
新加坡企业发展局(Enterprise Singapore)委任BIPO新加坡为其“能力发展补助金(CDG)行业”计划下参与HR共享服务(HRSS)项目的中小企业(SMEs)的合格人力资源服务商。新加坡企业发展局隶属于新加坡贸易与工业部,是新加坡政府用于扶植当地企业创业及发展的主要机构。


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Established in 2010 and headquartered in Singapore, BIPO is a global payroll and people solutions provider. Designed for businesses of any size from SMEs to MNCs, our total HR solutions include Human Capital Management solutions, Global Payroll Outsourcing, and Employer of Record service across 150+ global markets.

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